streamtyped IBObjectData Object CustomObject Application Responder ClipView ScrollView Scroller Control _doScroller: @@@ffs NXCursor NXImage NXibeam ciifffcfffs [3294c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;} \margl40 \margr40 {\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\tx533\tx1067\tx1601\tx2135\tx2668\tx3202\tx3736\tx4270\tx4803\tx5337\f0\b0\i0\ulnone\fs28\fc1\cf1 \ Welcome to scan!\ ------------------------\ It's about time I got this out. Things have been incredibly busy at my paying job, so I haven't had the time I thought I would to work on this. So, first, a disclaimer:\ If something goes wrong, don't blame me! I've made every attempt I could at getting this software to work properly, and it seems to do so (it's only locked up my Intel twice over the last 6 weeks). No warrenty is implied, or given, etc. etc. This is just a quick note of documentation, and is not meant to be complete!\ I have not included source because, quite frankly, I'm embarrassed by the design of the software. The rewrite will include source, which can be modified to your hearts content. If you really, really want the source, let me know. I might be convinced to post it or email it to you.\ That out of the way, what is scan? Scan is an app designed to drive the Umax Vista S-8 scanner. It should also work on the Umax Vista S-6, and quite possibly others. For the time being, I've commented out the check as to whether or not the scanner really is a Umax, so try it on other scanners! The documentation I'm working with, provided by Umax (thanks, Gary!), actually looks like a Twain-spec document, with Umax specifics added in. So, I have no idea whether other scanners will work or not (just don't select 800 dpi scans if your scanner won't do 800 dpi!!)\ How's it work?\ -------------------\ Scan provides a preview/selection window. Just click-drag to select an area to scan or preview. Then hit the scan or preview buttons. Be forewarned that the preview will be performed at the resolution selected in the scanner settings panel to the right!\ A scan will pop up a window so you can examine the scanned image, or save it away. Printing doesn't work from the window.\ If you select "Photocopy" from the main menu, a scan will be performed and the results can be printed (or faxed).\ There are hooks in, for those lucky enough, to support OCR packages through the services window. It's a kludge, but it works (no selection of region!)\ What's in store for the future?\ --------------------------------------\ A rewrite. Definitely. This was intended as a proof-of-concept for myself, to show that the documentation Umax provided was workable. The design... well... it's not my best code, I can't say I'm that proud of it (other than it works!), and the UI needs some work.\ OCR. I have my hands on some public domain OCR source. I'd like to integrate it in.\ Better handling of printing/faxing.\ more?\ Support\ -----------\ I'll give what support I can. Send me suggestions, bug reports, etc. etc., and I'll respond!\ If you like what you see, and use scan often, consider this shareware and drop me a check for what you think it's worth ($20, $40, more?). If you think the software really sucks and you don't want to see any more development on it, don't use it! Just don't complain to me! Constructive criticism is what is called for!\ John Woodward\\ 10223 Lanshire Dr.\ Dallas, Texas 75238\ (214)348-1457 WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ Info Panel Panel Helvetica TextField TextFieldCell ActionCell Times-Roman0 Scan v0.91b Copyright 1995 John W. Woodward, Ph.D. MenuCell ButtonCell Photocopy Matrix @:@iiii MenuTemplate *@*@ccc Info Panel... Preferences... Help... ff@@#::s submenuAction: NXmenuArrow Scanner Save As... Preview Clear display Scanner Attribs Paste Select All Windows Arrange in Front Miniaturize Window Close Window Services Print CustomView scanView Button X Start Y Start Width Height Clear 10200 14040 Scan Selection Window% scan_control Scan Window File's Owner MainMenu Help Panel [29@] IBControlConnector IBConnector hide: terminate: copy: paste: selectAll: makeKeyAndOrderFront: doScan: doPreview: IBOutletConnector lengthText widthText xstartText ystartText scanDisplay saveAs: clearDisplay: startx starty width height performMiniaturize: performClose: arrangeInFront: photocopy: printScan: